
International anti-doping Clean Sport Forum

International anti-doping Clean Sport Forum

On September 5-6, 2024, the International Anti-Doping Clean Sport Forum will be held in Minsk.

The Clean Sport Forum is dedicated to the prevention of doping in sports. This is the first major international anti-doping event in the CIS countries, which will bring together more than 500 participants from 10 countries. Experts from various fields will meet to discuss ways to improve the effectiveness of the anti-doping program in order to protect the rights of athletes to fair and clean competition.

The Forum program will include a plenary session with the participation of the heads of departments organizing the Forum, and three discussion platforms dedicated to science, practical aspects of anti-doping and the future of the world anti-doping program:
• Panel session No. 1 “Science for anti-doping: integration of scientific and practical knowledge - the path to clean sport”
• Panel session No. 2 “Anti-doping compass: a navigator for organizers of major competitions”
• Round table “The Future of the World Anti-Doping Program: Code and International Standards 2027”

Venue: Republican Center for Olympic Training for Winter Sports “Raubichi”.
Information about the event can be found on the official Forum website: www.cleansportforum.ru